Generator Connection & Metering (ANSI)
For Generator Connection GenTower
Is a stand-alone, permanent solution. It easily connects a mobile generator to feed the main power system without modifications to the building or the electrical system. This saves costs for both labor and downtime.
Rated up to 4000 amps, it connects either by cabling to the lugs on the main switchboard (if tap connections are in place), with hard bus connection to approved GE switchboards, or through a feeder breaker.
For Metering
we offer our modular construction solution, which takes up less space, is available in a fraction of the time versus standard switchboards, is cost competitive, and can be delivered and installed without special equipment. Main devices up to 3000 amp (UL Listed)
Key users of commercial metering switchboards are commercial and industrial users including single and multi-tenant retail centers, single and multi-tenant manufacturing facilities, and large residential sites.